13th Summer School on Urban Agriculture: 15 years of networking and training
The International Youth Bureau (Le Bureau International de Jeunesse - BIJ) is launching a call for applications for the 13th edition of the Summer School on Urban Agriculture, to be held from August 12th to 16th 2024 in Montreal at the Coeur des sciences of the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM). The Summer School will gather people from different backgrounds to stimulate debate, encourage the sharing of knowledge and practices, and initiate meetings to move towards action.
This year's theme will be urban agriculture as a means of developing circular food systems based on solidarity and ecological transition.
For the occasion, five Belgians will have the opportunity to take part in this year's program, which focuses on the ecological transition and the development of a circular and co-responsible consumption system.
Please not e that a 2nd edition in Quebec City is being planned for August 19th-21st 2024.
For a 2nd edition, with the support of the City of Quebec and the participation of the Quebec Urban Agriculture Network (RAUQ), the Urban Agriculture Laboratory will be organizing a Summer School on Urban Agriculture and Sustainable Food in Quebec City. It will be held from August 19th to 21st 2024. Once again, it will bring together people from different backgrounds in order to spark debate, encourage the sharing of knowledge and practices and initiate meetings for a move to action.
► More details HERE
Criteria for participation:
- You are between 18 and 35;
- You are French-speaking and have lived in Wallonia or Brussels for at least 2 years;
- You are a student, a professional involved in the field of urban agriculture (urban planner, architect, horticulturist, agronomist, designer, social worker) or a citizen involved in a project linked to this theme of circular, solidarity-based food systems and ecological transition (*Please note: for group projects, only one project representative may be selected).
► Don't wait any longer and send in your application by June 9, 2024 at the latest.
Any questions?
Do not hesitate to contact Marie-Sophie Wéry, who is in charge of monitoring this project: marie-sophie.wery@cfwb.be
This project is made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Urban Agriculture Laboratory (AU/LAB) ( Laboratoire d’agriculture urbaine (AU/LAB) and the Montreal Food System Council (Conseil du Système alimentaire montréalais - SAM Council) at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM).