Residence documents
For most European Union nationals, an identity card is all that you need. Foreigners of other nationalities may need a passport or a visa.
Full information concerning visa applications for Belgium can be found on the Home affairs FPS immigration service website.
Visas must be requested from the Belgian embassy or consulate in the country in which you live.
If wish to remain in Belgium for more than 3 months, you must also contact the Immigration Service.
Registering with the local authority
If as a foreigner you want to stay in Belgium for more than three months, you must attend the local authority where you live within eight days of arriving to be registered in the population records; in order to register, you must have an actual place of residence within the local authority.
Social security
Belgium has a well developed social security system which is based on the principle of solidarity. It depends on the payment of social contributions on business revenue.
Foreigners may also be entitled to certain benefits and social aid. You can check your entitlements to Belgian social security via the application Coming2belgium. These entitlements vary depending on your personal situation, and particularly your position (employed, freelance,…) and your nationality. Belgium has signed international agreements with several countries. You should therefore check whether this is the case with your country of origin.
Further information regarding the administrative formalities if you are coming to live in Belgium.
The EU immigration portal also contains some useful information for non-European Union citizens wanting to settle in a European Union country.